I hope that you had a wonderful summer as we gear up for back to school!  I have joined the site wide one day sale for Back to School for today, August 21, 2018. Please use code: BTSBONUS18  at checkout. I have recently finished my latest digital unit for geometry, the constructions unit.  It is includes 5 lessons and assessments. These lessons do include paper and pencil labs for students to traditionally experience constructions.  I have also included an assessment and a constructions book with a rubric so that it may be used as an alternative assessment.  It is now ready for purchase.  I have finished the first 3 lessons of the digital parallel lines unit, which includes proofs with angles and lines.  I hope to finish up that unit soon!  See my store for details.

If you would like to enter the giveaway for the $10 TPT gift card, please visit my facebook page for details.  I will randomly select a winner at 9:00 pm EST tonight!

I hope you have a fabulous school year with your students!

~Mathberry Lane