Month: July 2017

Homework Teams

How I Run Homework Teams in Class

One of my favorite ways to check homework is to have students work in teams, while I do a quick check-in with each student.  Each student is assigned to a team of 3-4 students.  I spot check a couple of problems and ask students if they had difficulty with anything.  I write down the problems #’s on a post-it and tally how many students had a tough time with each problem mentioned.  This gives me  a good sense for what to go over with the class or re-teach.  If I see a great solution, I will ask that student to share the solution on the board with the class.


Now, sometimes, not everyone comes to class prepared with their homework completed.  If this is the case, then the expectation is that they need to be working on the assignment during team time.  If a student misses a couple of assignments, then I usually reach out to parents to see if they can help encourage students to complete their work for class.  If a student was absent, they use this time to catch up on notes.

This process does take a little more class time than collecting homework.  However, I find this method extremely beneficial during the  first few weeks of school.  It helps me learn students’ names and is a good way to get to know them.

Homework teams  is a nice way to start class, because it lets students catch up with each other socially while actively engaging in their own learning at the same time.

Rules for Teams:

  • Introduce yourself to your teammates
  • Stay on Task
  • Contribute to your team by
  • Asking questions
  • Explaining your solutions to your classmates
  • Listening when others are speaking
  • Be ready for check-in with teacher


Photo by Michał Grosicki on Unsplash

How I Track Homework


I believe that homework should be used as a learning opportunity for students and not graded for accuracy. Homework provides students a chance to process and reflect upon what they learned that day in class. It helps students retain information and practice transferring it to a new scenario.


When I check homework, I look for:

  • Work shown
  • Calculations Pictures/graphs
  • Explanations/justifications
  • How much is completed
  • Spot check 2-3 designated problems
  • Correctness (to guide future instruction)

I track homework completeness as shown in the chart below.


How do you track homework?  Please share in the comments below.