Category: Teaching Tips

How to Study for a High School Math Test

Have you ever heard a student ask how to study for a math test? Or maybe, have they told you that they did not study because they don’t know how to study for a math assessment? Some students still do not know how to study in high school and college is only a few years away. The time to teach them how to study is now.

Teaching your students to study can be tough love.  One fall I polled my students to learn about their studying techniques.  I got responses such as:

  • Study with a friend
  • Watch videos on Khan Academy
  • Look over your notes
  • Re-do some homework problems
  • Do the review the teacher provides
  • I don’t study

I told my students that I would not be providing them with a practice test type of review. Some of them were not very happy with me as this is how some of them had been trained to study for a math test since middle school.  I asked how many of them were planning on going to college. Most students indicated that they had a desire to attend college. I informed them that their college professors most likely were not going to give them a practice test before their exam.  It was time to learn how to study for a math test. High school is a safe place to try out a new technique. If you fail, you can learn from your mistakes, and then reassess(at least at my school). I do not know if this is the case in many colleges.

Goal as a teacher:  

My goal was for each student to develop strategies for how to independently prepare for a math assessment.  

How I achieved this goal…

This goal is achieved over a series of assessments. Just like students practice newly learned skills, they also have to practice newly learned study strategies and make it become a habit. #1 below goes with assessment #1, #2 goes with assessment #3, etc. Students can use these strategies in other courses besides math as well.

#1 Teach students how to deep dive a lesson working as a team

  • Students work collaboratively in study groups so that the task is not so daunting
  • Each group is assigned a lesson from the unit of study which they will present to the class at the end of the period
  • Students are given a set amount of time to deep dive into their assigned lesson; students are given guidelines(see end of post if you would like a template) for the deep dive which include learning targets or competencies
  • Students present their lesson overview to the class
    • Posters
    • Over-sized white boards
    • Designated area on chalkboard or whiteboard
    • Teacher sets up a google slides doc and students add their presentation to the document which becomes a study guide shared with the class

#2 Assign students to deep dive each lesson independently

  • After students have practiced the lesson deep dive in teams, for the next assessment, ask them to try it on their own. 
  • Give them 10-15 minutes of class time to work on a specified lesson
  • Have students trade papers and review a peer’s work and provide feedback
  • Assign remaining lessons for students to reflect upon for next class
  • Collect students’ reflections and provide them with feedback

#3 Repeat the process at least once more with collecting student reflections and providing feedback

  • You should see growth and more detailed reflections the second time students independently complete this activity. Teacher feedback is essential for students to see what might be missing from their reflections or praise what was awesome!

You can continue this process in class as needed or let students be self-directed in their studying. I remind students that they should be reviewing each lesson and processing what they have learned.   This can become a great activity for early finishers – start on your unit reflection. If you would like a free template for student instructions for how to deep dive a lesson, you can download the ppt file HERE. I had this printed as a booklet for the first time we did the activity independently. After that, I just printed the cover sheet and let students create their reflections as they saw fit.

Boost Student Engagement with Whiteboards

Benefits of using whiteboards by Mathberry Lane
Using Whiteboards in Class to Boost Student Engagement by Mathberry Lane

Teacher Tip: Some students love to doodle.  So, get that out of the way in the beginning.  Ask students to draw their best doodle for you.  Sometimes I will select an item for them to draw.  One day I asked everyone to draw their best panda.  It was a lot of fun for my students as well as for me to see their artistic abilities that have been hidden from me.

Here are some ideas for how to get going with whiteboards in your classroom:

Elementary Math
Fluency Practice
Read-Draw-Write Problems
Modeling – Ten frames, Number Bonds, Arrays
Show your thinking

Middle School
Fluency Practice
Modeling a problem
Tape Diagrams
Order of Operations
Make a problem for your neighbor to solve

Graphing Lines
Identifying Slopes and y-intercepts
Making Tables
Solving Equations
Model the problem with a picture or words
Make your own problem – give to a neighbor to solve

Vocabulary and Notation Check
Sketching Transformations
Identifying Angle Pair Relationships
Solving for unknown angles
Practicing Trigonometry Ratios
Segment and line relationships with circles

Algebra 2
Sketching parent functions & identifying them from a graph
Writing Equations for a graph and identifying key features
Solving Equations
Powers of numbers

Using Popsicle® Sticks to Review Homework

It is easy to get into the habit of always calling on the same students who have raised their hands to volunteer an answer.  One way to make sure that you are including all of your students is to use Popsicle® sticks when selecting students to contribute to class.

Using Popsicle Sticks to select students
Using Popsicle Sticks to check homework



  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Your favorite sharpie or flare pen
  • Rubber bands

The task of writing all of your students names on Popsicle® sticks may seem a bit daunting.  (I know; I had 145 students one year!)  You can always give each student a stick and instruct them to write their names “legibly” on them.  Or, wait until your favorite show or sports team is on television and complete the task while kicking back a little.  I usually group the Popsicle® sticks by class and wrap a rubber band around them.

When it is time to go over homework, I usually select a couple of problems that I want to go over with the class.  I will have the students present their solutions on the board.  I use the Popsicle® sticks to select a student.  I never want to put a student completely on the spot, so I always let them choose a classmate to work with for this task.  The two students would then be responsible for writing the solution to the homework problem on the board and explaining it to the class.

Homework is a learning process, so sometimes the solution is not correct.  Wrong answers are wonderful to review!  It is important that students know that it is okay to make a mistake when they are learning new material.  Students create genuine error analysis problems when the solution is not correct.  As a class, we can work together to find a viable solution.  It is important to review classroom expectations and create class rules/norms so that everyone is respectful and understands that making mistakes are part of the learning process.

I hope to be watching the Red Sox this year as I make this year’s set of sticks! What will you be watching?


Homework Teams

How I Run Homework Teams in Class

One of my favorite ways to check homework is to have students work in teams, while I do a quick check-in with each student.  Each student is assigned to a team of 3-4 students.  I spot check a couple of problems and ask students if they had difficulty with anything.  I write down the problems #’s on a post-it and tally how many students had a tough time with each problem mentioned.  This gives me  a good sense for what to go over with the class or re-teach.  If I see a great solution, I will ask that student to share the solution on the board with the class.


Now, sometimes, not everyone comes to class prepared with their homework completed.  If this is the case, then the expectation is that they need to be working on the assignment during team time.  If a student misses a couple of assignments, then I usually reach out to parents to see if they can help encourage students to complete their work for class.  If a student was absent, they use this time to catch up on notes.

This process does take a little more class time than collecting homework.  However, I find this method extremely beneficial during the  first few weeks of school.  It helps me learn students’ names and is a good way to get to know them.

Homework teams  is a nice way to start class, because it lets students catch up with each other socially while actively engaging in their own learning at the same time.

Rules for Teams:

  • Introduce yourself to your teammates
  • Stay on Task
  • Contribute to your team by
  • Asking questions
  • Explaining your solutions to your classmates
  • Listening when others are speaking
  • Be ready for check-in with teacher


Photo by Michał Grosicki on Unsplash

How I Track Homework


I believe that homework should be used as a learning opportunity for students and not graded for accuracy. Homework provides students a chance to process and reflect upon what they learned that day in class. It helps students retain information and practice transferring it to a new scenario.


When I check homework, I look for:

  • Work shown
  • Calculations Pictures/graphs
  • Explanations/justifications
  • How much is completed
  • Spot check 2-3 designated problems
  • Correctness (to guide future instruction)

I track homework completeness as shown in the chart below.


How do you track homework?  Please share in the comments below.